
Chatterbox Kids 15-2 What Time Is It?

作者:Casey Malarcher
原價:NT$ 210

出版商:Seed Learning


    Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and 7 to engage with English. By integrating several modes of learning, children with limited or no reading ability are able to successfully study and use English through song and play right from the start. Over a three-year sequential curriculum that practices two readers per month in kindergarten, children will learn close to 1,000 high-frequency, highly useful words to describe things and communicate at home, in the classroom, and on the playground.

    • 72 titles graded over three levels
    • Chants for all titles to model native pronunciation and intonation of key sentence patterns and vocabulary items
    • Entertaining songs for all titles to stimulate oral practice and facilitate memorization of language
    •  Videos that teach simple motions accompany the songs to reinforce vocabulary acquisition for kinesthetic learners

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