
Intensive Listening Training (3) with MP3 CD/片 and Answer Key

作者:David Bohlke, Anne Taylor
原價:NT$ 450

出版商:Seed Learning
參考網頁:Intensive Listening Training


    【內容試閱 請點我】
    Intensive Listening Training is a two-book series designed to develop the aural comprehension skills of English language learners. Each unit focuses on real-life themes and introduces typical English speech routines. Listening tasks in each unit range from testing discrete listening items to checking general comprehension of short dialogs and talks, to completing dictation pages. Each level in the Intensive Listening Training series includes more than 120 minutes of audio input for learners to use for practice as they hone their English aural skills.

    • Thematically organized vocabulary including common spoken collocations
    • Listening tasks developed around individual sentences, short dialogs, and short talks
    • Graded practice materials to support listening skill development for highbeginning to intermediate learners
    • Conversational dialogs and short talks written in natural English
    • Dictation activities to reinforce listening skills
    • Full transcripts included in student book

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