
Viewpoints Reading Library Level (1) Picture This

作者:Richard Hill Davis
原價:NT$ 200

出版商:Tung Hua Book Co., Ltd.

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    【內容試閱 請點我】
    Social media is an exciting area for business. Why do some people get paid thousands of dollars to hold a new thing? Why do millions of people follow these new “influencers”? This book is the start of a journey for one of these influencers, but not everything is so beautiful in this strange new world. Angela has to deal with stress from friends and work and is on a deadline to increase her followers. On top of that, she has to deal with entitled men who think it is OK to treat women as things, she has to quickly prove them wrong. What would you do if someone grabs you or does something you don’t like in public? Read on to find out what Angela did.

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