
Viewpoints Reading Library Level (1) Afterwards

作者:Richard Hill Davis
原價:NT$ 200

出版商:Tung Hua Book Co., Ltd.

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    【內容試閱 請點我】
    Nowadays, Covid-19 makes the world seem crazy. People are scared and have to face different troubles, including death. This book takes place in the near future after a virus kills 75% of everyone and makes the dead come alive again. Not only are the dead alive, they also are hungry. They are hungry to eat people. These are not boring, walking zombies but rather smart zombies that can run and jump. This story jumps around in time from before the virus starts to spread all the way to afterwards. We follow Logan as he tries to live on his own in this scary new reality. The way things used to work won’t work anymore. Family, business, and life have all changed afterwards . . .

    ELT > ELT > Readers

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