
Aiming High 3 2/e 經國管理學院專案書

作者:Joseph Henley, Sandrine Ting
原價:NT$ 590

出版商:Tung Hua Book Co., Ltd.


    Aiming High is a three-volume series. Each book has 12 units which offer students real-life conversations/talks, a variety of reading topics, a wide range of useful listening skills and various writing styles. The exercises in the book are designed to help students achieve their study goals.

    Key Features
    • Conversations, talks and announcements that students will encounter in their daily life are covered in Real-Life English. There are also vocabulary exercises and comprehension questions to test students’ understanding of the texts.
    • Reading articles enable students to increase their vocabulary, develop useful reading skills and become familiar with lexical patterns.
    • Dialogue Practice includes two short dialogues with two sets of cues in different settings and situations presented for students to practice.
    • The Further Listening activities help students develop listening skills including listening for gist, listening for specific information, listening for details.
    • Each unit is wrapped up with a Writing exercise. The exercise allows students to write various formats of passages and thus strengthen their writing skills.

    ELT > ELT > Course Books

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