
Ready for Work

作者:Shu-Ying Chang, Tzu-Hsuan Liu, Michael McColliser, Matthew Read, Hui-Chia Shih, Chi-An Tung, Shu-Chen Wang
原價:NT$ 380



    【內容試閱 請點我】
    Ready for Work has been designed to help pre-intermediate level students prepare for careers in the workplace today. It is based on the authors’ original teaching materials that have been used in actual classrooms extensively with proven success for many years. It encompasses the prerequisite skills that students need for professional situations, including resume and cover letter writing, job interviews, email writing, and presentations.

    Ready for Work offers essential background knowledge, skills, functional language, and models with tasks and hands-on exercises for students. It utilizes a step-by-step approach. Each chapter starts with an opener presenting the objectives of the chapter and “bite-sized” warm-up activities to prepare students for the chapter. This is then followed by a reading passage and models where students will be guided to explore and analyze the models. Towards the end of each chapter, students will work on hands-on activities using what they have learned in the chapter. 

    Since effective communication requires more than just language proficiency and skills, each chapter includes a Culture Note to develop students’ understanding of a particular aspect of cultural differences. Additionally, the Expert Advice section aims to provide students with more tips and advice which they can consider in the given professional situation.

    Key Features of Ready for Work include:
    • Lead-In Task—This serves as a warm-up to prepare students for each chapter.
    • Introduction—Students read about the topic to gain more understanding of the topic.
    • Look at the Model—Students are introduced to a sample such as a model resume or email.
    • Analyze the Model—Students are guided to explore the content and organization of each model. This is also where they learn the essential functional language and skills.
    • Quick Tips—This offers fast and convenient access to important reminders.
    • Over to You—Students are given tasks to apply what they have learned so far in a chapter, which also offers them a chance to ensure their full understanding of this chapter.
    • Culture Note—This highlights key different communication styles arising from cultural differences pertaining to the chapter topic.
    • Expert Advice—This gives further tips and advice from a real-life experienced manager who is involved in talent recruitment and employee training.
    • Are you Ready?—Students complete the checklist individually. Students are encouraged to look back at the chapter and talk about the things they learned or practice more.

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