
(E-Book) Talaro's Foundations in Microbiology 11/e

作者:Barry Chess (Kathleen Park Talaro)
原價:NT$ 1,000

參考網頁:Talaro's Foundations in Microbiology 11/e

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    In a near-perfect example of a biological process looking exactly as one would imagine, thousands of newly replicated Ebola virus filaments are released from an infected cell. Each viral particle will go on to infect a new cell, quickly overwhelming the body's defenses. Those unlucky enough to contract Ebola virus disease will suffer fever, fatigue, body pain, liver and kidney damage, and internal bleeding. Up to 90% of patients will die.

    More than two dozen outbreaks of Ebola virus disease have been confirmed since the virus was first discovered in 1976, with most restricted to small, isolated villages in Africa. Unfortunately, more recent outbreaks have been far larger, resulting in thousands of deaths. These larger outbreaks, fueled by a more mobile population, likely represent the new normal, according to the World Health Organization. Despite the efforts of scientists around the globe, Ebola virus disease has no effective treatment and no cure, but experimental procedures being used in the current epidemic offer some hope for one day vanquishing the virus.

    Ebola is just one example of what you will find in Foundations in Microbiology, a user's guide to the invisible, occasionally dangerous, but always fascinating world around us.

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