
Easy Speaking for Speeches (3) with Portfolio and Audio App

作者:Liana Robinson
原價:NT$ 550

出版商:Seed Learning
參考網頁:Easy Speaking for Speeches Series


    【內容試閱 請點我】
    Easy Speaking for Speeches is a three-level introductory series designed to develop the public speaking and presentation skills of English language learners in elementary school. Each unit features an original video presentation organized, written, and delivered by a student presenter. These video presentations utilize helpful sentence patterns that can be used by students to create their own unique, polished presentations. Students who complete this series will gain confidence in speaking while developing language skills they can apply to reading, listening, and writing tasks in other classes.

    • Wide variety of topics related to school subjects and daily life
    • Guided exercises and activities allowing students to organize and prepare their own presentations
    • Multiple sample speeches providing ideas for students to incorporate in their own speeches
    • Fundamental speech patterns and sentence structures highlighted in each unit to build students’ written and oral language skills
    • Repeated recycling of useful kid-friendly vocabulary
    • QR code links to video presentations given by elementary-age students

    ELT > Children`s ELT > Listening/Speaking/Vocabulary

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