
Research Methods in Linguistics

作者:Robert J. Podesva, Devyani Sharma
原價:NT$ 1,400

出版商:Cambridge University
參考網頁:Research Methods in Linguistics

內容介紹 目錄 作者介紹

    A comprehensive guide to conducting research projects in linguistics, this book provides a complete training in state-of-the-art data collection, processing, and analysis techniques. The book follows the structure of a research project, guiding the reader through the steps involved in collecting and processing data, and providing a solid foundation for linguistic analysis. All major research methods are covered, each by a leading expert. Rather than focusing on narrow specializations, the text fosters interdisciplinarity, with many chapters focusing on shared methods such as sampling, experimental design, transcription and constructing an argument. Highly practical, the book offers helpful tips on how and where to get started, depending on the nature of the research question. The only book that covers the full range of methods used across the field, this student-friendly text is also a helpful reference source for the more experienced researcher and current practitioner.

    • Provides tips on how and where to get started and includes extensive pointers to more specialized resources
    • Gives specific instruction on the details and potential problems of collecting, processing and analyzing data
    • Guides the reader through fundamental statistical concepts, from the basics to some of the most advanced techniques for quantitative analysis

    ELT > ELT > Teaching Resources

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