
Mathematical Techniques in Finance: An Introduction

作者:Amir Sadr
原價:NT$ 1,700

出版商:John Wiley
參考網頁:Mathematical Techniques in Finance: An Introduction

內容介紹 目錄

    Explore the foundations of modern finance with this intuitive mathematical guide

    In Mathematical Techniques in Finance: An Introduction, distinguished finance professional Amir Sadr delivers an essential and practical guide to the mathematical foundations of various areas of finance, including corporate finance, investments, risk management, and more.

    Readers will discover a wealth of accessible information that reveals the underpinnings of business and finance. You’ll learn about:

    • Investment theory, including utility theory, mean-variance theory and asset allocation, and the Capital Asset Pricing Model
    • Derivatives, including forwards, options, the random walk, and Brownian Motion
    • Interest rate curves, including yield curves, interest rate swap curves, and interest rate derivatives
    Complete with math reviews, useful Excel functions, and a glossary of financial terms, Mathematical Techniques in Finance: An Introduction is required reading for students and professionals in finance.

    理工 > 數學/微積分 > 管理數學

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