
Statistics: Principles and Methods 8/e

作者:Richard A. Johnson, Gouri K. Bhattacharyya
原價:NT$ 1,800

出版商:John Wiley
參考網頁:Statistics: Principles and Methods 8/e

內容介紹 目錄

    Statistics: Principles and Methods, 8th Edition provides students and business professionals with a comprehensive introduction to statistics concepts, terminology, and methods with a wide array of practical applications. Real-world data provides an easily relatable frame of reference, while numerous examples reinforce key ideas and demonstrate critical concepts to help ease student comprehension. Designed for those seeking a highly practical introduction to statistical measurement, reasoning, and analysis, this book requires no specific mathematical background and leaves derivations behind in favor of logic, reasoning, and modern statistics software.

    Concepts are introduced first in a real-life setting to illustrate immediate relevancy, and are subsequently expanded to relate underlying mechanisms, limitations, and further applications. An emphasis on the relationship between validity and assumptions underscores the importance of critical thinking and the use of appropriate models while instilling thoughtful habits that lead to accuracy in interpretation. Going beyond the typical introductory text to keep the focus on application, this book gives students a deeper understanding of statistics as it is used every day across disciplines and industries.

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