Presenting a fresh look at process control, this new text demonstrates state-space approach shown in parallel with the traditional approach to explain the strategies used in industry today. Modern time-domain and traditional transform-domain methods are integrated throughout and explain the advantages and limitations of each approach; the fundamental theoretical concepts and methods of process control are applied to practical problems. To ensure understanding of the mathematical calculations involved, MATLAB® is included for numeric calculations and MAPLE for symbolic calculations, with the math behind every method carefully explained so that students develop a clear understanding of how and why the software tools work. Written for a one-semester course with optional advanced-level material, features include solved examples, cases that include a number of chemical reactor examples, chapter summaries, key terms, and concepts, as well as over 240 end-of-chapter problems, focused computational exercises and solutions for instructors.
Time domain (state-space) tools are developed in parallel with Laplace domain tools so that students better understand the concepts
The software tools MATLAB® and MAPLE are introduced to provide a better understanding of calculations, both numeric and symbolic
All mathematical proofs are presented in a step-by-step manner to guide the student towards a firm grasp of problem solving
Cases, worked examples and over 240 problems are included throughout the text
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Dynamic Models for Chemical Process Systems
3. First Order Systems
4. Connections of First Order Systems
5. Second Order Systems
6. Linear Higher Order Systems
7. Eigenvalue Analysis – Asymptotic Stability
8. Transfer Function Analysis of the Input/Output Behavior
9. Frequency Response
10. The Feedback Control System
11. Block Diagram Reduction and Transient Response Calculation in a Feedback Control System
12. Steady-State and Stability Analysis of the Closed Loop System
13. State Space Description and Analysis of the Closed Loop System
14. Systems with Dead Time
15. Parametric Analysis of Closed Loop Dynamics – Root Locus Diagrams
16. Optimal Selection of Controller Parameters
17. Bode and Nyquist Stability Criteria – Gain and Phase Margins
18. Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output Systems
19. Synthesis of Model-Based Feedback Controllers
20. Cascade, Ratio and Feedforward Control
Appendix A
Appendix B.
Costas Kravaris, Texas A & M University Ioannis K. Kookos, University of Patras, Greece