
The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View 6/e

作者:Laura A. King
原價:NT$ 1,780

頁數/規格:768頁/平裝彩色 理工 > 社會科學 > 心理學
參考網頁:The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View 6/e

內容介紹 目錄

    (E-Book) The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View 6/e

    Focusing on why things go right, The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View, helps students understand and appreciate psychology as a science and as an integrated whole. Informed by student data, the program extends these themes and enhances their pedagogical value by guiding students toward topics they find the most challenging and offering new learning resources to master them. When paired with Connect, students will also benefit from Thematic Relevancy Modules (brief, thought-provoking modules tied to the APA's IPI Student Learning Outcomes), Interactivities and Application-Based-Activities, Psych-at-Work videos (interviews with real people), and more to help further prepare them to be successful in this course.


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