
(E-Book) Wastewater Engineering: Treatment Resource Recovery 5/e

作者:Metcalf & Eddy Inc.
原價:NT$ 900


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    Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Resource Recovery, 5/e is a thorough update of McGraw-Hill's authoritative book on wastewater treatment. No environmental engineering professional or civil or environmental engineering major should be without a copy of this book - describing the rapidly evolving field of wastewater engineering technological and regulatory changes that have occurred over the last ten years in this discipline, including: a new view of a wastewater as a source of energy, nutrients and potable water; more stringent discharge requirements related to nitrogen and phosphorus; enhanced understanding of the fundamental microbiology and physiology of the microorganisms responsible for the removel of nitrogen and phosphorus and other constituents; an appreciation of the importance of the separate treatment of return flows with respect to meeting more stringent standards for nitrogen removal and opportunities for nutrient recovery; increased emphasis on the treatment of sludge and the management of biosolids; increased awareness of carbon footprints impacts and greenhouse gas emissions, and an emphasis on the development of energy neutral or energy positive wastewater plants through more efficient use of chemical and heat energy in wastewater. 

    This revision contains a strong focus on advanced wastewater treatment technologies and stresses the reuse aspects of wastewater and biosolids. 

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