
International Marketing 2/e

作者:Daniel W. Baack, Barbara Czarnecka, Donald Baack
原價:NT$ 1,360

出版商:SAGE Publications
參考網頁:International Marketing 2/e

內容介紹 目錄 作者介紹

    Now in its second edition, International Marketing continues to provide its trademark integrated approach that explores marketing concepts in depth within a truly international context.

    The authors discuss five key factors that impact any international marketing venture – culture, language, political/legal systems, economic systems, and technological differences – in relation to the core marketing concepts of markets, products, pricing, distribution (place), and promotion.

    The book also covers sustainability and bottom-of-the-pyramid issues within each chapter with rich illustrations and examples from both multinational companies and smaller local concerns.

    New to the second edition:

    • More global focus through new examples, case studies and the experience brought by new co-author, Barbara Czarnecka
    • Brand new chapter on Culture & Cross-Cultural Marketing, including political unrest and the recent return to nationalism (e.g. Brexit and the Trump presidency) and further coverage of developing countries
    • New coverage of digital advances and social media marketing
    • Updated theory and methods, including Service Dominant Logic (S-DL), Consumer Culture Theory (CCT), and Netnography
    • Additional videos supplementing the comprehensive online resource package for students and lecturers
    A wealth of online resources complement this book. These include a test bank of 50-65 questions per chapter, PowerPoint slides, sample syllabi, interactive maps, country fact sheets, flashcards, SAGE journal articles, and guidelines for developing a marketing plan.

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