
Materials Engineering and Science: Principles, Properties, and Processes 2/e (精裝)

作者:Brian S. Mitchell
原價:NT$ 1,960

出版商:John Wiley
參考網頁:Materials Engineering and Science: Principles, Properties, and Processes 2/e

內容介紹 目錄 作者介紹

    Materials engineering focuses on the complex and crucial relationship between the physical properties of materials and the chemical bonds that comprise them. Specifically, this field of study seeks to understand how materials can be designed to meet specific design and performance criteria. This 'materials paradigm' has, in recent years, become integral to numerous cutting-edge areas of technological development.

    Materials Engineering and Science seeks to introduce this vital and fast-growing subject to a new generation of scientists and engineers. It integrates core thermodynamic, kinetic, and transport principles into its analysis of the structural, mechanical, and physical properties of materials, creating a streamlined and intuitive approach that fosters understanding. Now fully revised to reflect the latest research and educational paradigms, this is an essential resource.

    Readers of the second edition will also find:
    • Detailed discussion of all major classes of materials, including polymers, composites, and biologics
    • New and expanded treatment of nanomaterials, additive manufacturing (3D printing), and molecular simulation
    • Web-based and physical supplementary materials including an instructor guide, solutions manual, and sample lecture slides

    Materials Engineering and Science is ideal for all advanced undergraduate and early graduate students in engineering, materials science, and related subjects.

    理工 > 機械工程 > 材料工程與科學

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