
Introduction to Heat Transfer 5/e

作者:Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt
原價:NT$ 1,200

出版商:John Wiley

內容介紹 目錄

    The de facto standard text for heat transfer — noted for its readability, comprehensiveness and relevancy has been revised to address new application areas of heat transfer while continuing to emphasize the fundamentals. The fifth edition, like previous editions, continues to support four student learning objectives:

    • Learn the meaning of the terminology and physical principles of heat transfer.
    • Identify and describe appropriate transport phenomena for any process or system involving heat transfer.
    • Use requisite inputs for computing heat transfer rates and/or material temperatures.
    • Develop representative models of real processes and systems and draw conclusions concerning process/systems design or performance from the attendant analysis.

    理工 > 機械工程 > 熱傳

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