
Brief Applied Calculus

作者:James Stewart, Daniel Clegg
原價:NT$ 990

出版商:Cengage Learning

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    New from James Stewart and Dan Clegg, BRIEF APPLIED CALCULUS, International Edition takes an intuitive, less formal approach to calculus without sacrificing the mathematical integrity. Featuring a wide range of applications designed to motivate students with a variety of interests, clear examples detailing important mathematical processes, and a vast collection of exercises appropriate for students with disparate skill sets, this first edition is perfect for students who need to learn how to apply calculus concepts rather than replicate the formal proofs behind the techniques. Early coverage of exponential and logarithmic functions allows for the inclusion of many interesting applications throughout the text. Available with a range of supplements including Enhanced WebAssignR, BRIEF APPLIED CALCULUS, International Edition makes calculus approachable so any student can understand the concepts and be successful in the course.

    理工 > 數學/微積分 > 微積分

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