
Modern Semiconductor Device Physics

作者:S. M. Sze
原價:NT$ 1,500

出版商:John Wiley

內容介紹 作者介紹

    An in-depth, up-to-date presentation of the physics and operational principles of all modern semiconductor devices The companion volume to Dr. Sze's classic Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Modern Semiconductor Device Physics covers all the significant advances in the field over the past decade. To provide the most authoritative, state-of-the-art information on this rapidly developing technology, Dr. Sze has gathered the contributions of world-renowned experts in each area. Principal topics include bipolar transistors, compound-semiconductor field-effect-transistors, MOSFET and related devices, power devices, quantum-effect and hot-electron devices, active microwave diodes, high-speed photonic devices, and solar cells. Supported by hundreds of illustrations and references and a problem set at the end of each chapter, Modern Semiconductor Device Physics is the essential text/reference for electrical engineers, physicists, material scientists, and graduate students actively working in microelectronics and related fields.

    理工 > 電子/電機 > 半導體
    理工 > 物理 > 半導體

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