
Public Relations: The Profession and the Practice 4/e

作者:Dan Lattimore, Otis Baskin, Suzette T. Heiman, Elizabeth L. Toth
原價:NT$ 950


內容介紹 目錄 作者介紹

    New To This Edition
    • Chapter One: The Nature of Public Relations
      This chapter introduces the reader to the changing nature of public relations, including the new social media. Integrated into this chapter is a section on PR challenges, including strategies for crisis communication, keeping up with new social media opportunities for engaging stakeholders, the evolving global public relations practice, and the changing organizational structure needed to meet those challenges.
    • Chapter Two: The History of Public Relations
      This chapter looks at the historical development of public relations through four overlapping traditions. It highlights key public relations professionals throughout history, and a spotlight provides short biographical sketches of these professionals. Included isa new spotlight on Betsy Ann Plank, an advocate for students through their organization, PRSSA.
    • Chapter Three: A Theoretical Basis for Public Relations
      Persuasion and social influence theories are illustrated through a mini-case on DaimlerChrysler’s StreetWise computer game. The chapter also links the new mixed motive model of public relations with strategies of conflict resolution. A spotlight summarizes nine key research theories in four categories. A new spotlight on James Grunig features one of the most renowned scholars and theorists in public relations.
    • Chapter Four: Law and Ethics
      The developing legal consideration of the Internet is considered in depth, and the chapter has a new focus on financial law looking at the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The USA Patriot Act is also introduced, and a new end-of-chapter case study features JetBlue.
    • Chapter Five: Research: Understanding Public Opinion
      The research chapter begins the process section with the initial part of the case study that runs throughout the four chapters in this section. The research terms are explained in lay language with a spotlight. Usability research for Web-based material is included, along with an examination of Internet, library, and database resources.
    • Chapter Six: Strategic Planning for Public Relations Effectiveness
      This chapter features a sample plan and budget, along with the second part of the case study that runs throughout this section. A case study highlights Kodak Galleries.
    • Chapter Seven: Action and Communication
      The chapter highlights the importance of Internet writing and includes a spotlight on guidelines for effective Web sites.
    • Chapter Eight: Evaluating Public Relations Effectiveness
      Evaluation software, an examination of Ketchum’s extranet efforts, and additional measurement strategies are included in this chapter. An emphasis on measurements that matter is included.
    • Chapter Nine: Social Media and Traditional Media Relations
      The new title of the chapter stresses the importance of social media in today’s media relations mix. Social media are highlighted in this chapter with a section explaining the personal, interactive media and how they are changing media relations. Spotlights are on social media terms, social networking, and the blogosphere. There is a new end-of-chapter case on GM using social media to deal with its financial crisis.
    • Chapter Ten: Employee Communication
      This chapter considers the new labor force of the 21st century and its influence on employee communication. It presents the use of blogs as an employee communication tool. The chapter has a case study on maintaining employee relationships during a tragedy.
    • Chapter Eleven: Community Relations
      This chapter provides emphasis on corporate social philanthropy as well as community activism. A spotlight features Kodak’s commitment to community relations and a new end-of-chapter case highlights the "Love Is Respect" campaign.
    • Chapter Twelve: Consumer Relations and Marketing
      New to this chapter is an expanded discussion of corporate social responsibility. Also, there is a section on viral marketing and a new case study on Haagen-Dazs cause marketing.
    • Chapter Thirteen: Investor Relations
      An Aflac mini-case on executive pay along with a discussion of influences on investor relations such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act highlight this chapter.
    • Chapter Fourteen: Public Affairs: Relations with Government
      A new end case study on "fallen heroes" and a new mini-case on Johnson & Johnson before Congress highlight additions to this chapter.
    • Chapter Fifteen: Public Relations in Nonprofit Organizations
      This chapter provides a global perspective on nonprofit work, going far beyond small, well-intentioned community-based programs, and includes a discussion of the challenges faced by nonprofits.
    • Chapter Sixteen: Corporate Public Relations
      This chapter discusses the crucial role that public relations plays in creating and developing a corporation’s image and reputation with its key publics, particularly life after corporate scandals. A section on "12 steps on restoring a company’s reputation" is included, along with a section on corporate PR reporting. A new end-of-chapter case study on "green jobs" is included.
    • Appendix 1, Appendix 2, and Appendix 3
      Three appendixes provide additional help for students with basic public relations skills: writing, speaking and video.

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