
Inorganic Chemistry 4/e

作者:James E Huheey, Ellen A Keiter, Richard L Keiter
原價:NT$ 1,300

出版商:Pearson Education

內容介紹 本書特色 目錄

    Its user-friendly approach and straightforward slant, patterned on professional literature, gives students a comprehensive look at the discipline and introduces them to such exciting topics as bioinorganic chemistry and solid state chemistry. The fourth edition of Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reacitvity contains rewritten chapters throughout, with expanded coverage of symmetry and group theory and related areas such as spectroscopy and crystallography. Reorganized chapters on bonding, coordination chemistry and organometallic chemistry are included, along with a more in-depth look at solid-state chemistry and other hot topics. Abundant pedagogy, such as illustrations and problems, complements the text's coverage.

    理工 > 化學/化學工程 > 無機化學

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