
Organic Chemistry: A Brief Course

作者:Robert C. Atkins, Francis A. Carey, Chi Wi Ong
原價:NT$ 1,230


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    The students who take this course are a diverse group from a variety of programs, including biology, nutrition, engineering, agricultural sciences, environmental sciences, and the allied health sciences. Based on the U.S. text Organic Chemistry: A Brief Course, this edition continues to guide these organic chemistry students by selectively revealing the logic of organic chemistry through carefully designed organization, pedagogy, problem solving, and illustrations.
    A text that is both modern in outlook and selective in coverage, this edition is further enhanced by the introduction of the following:

    • Molecular orbital theory which emphasizes the visual understanding of chemical bonds and reactions.
    • Curved-arrow notation which illustrates how organic reactions occur in terms of the movement of electrons.
    • The topic of stereochemistry early in the book so that the students have a better grasp of the concept of organic compounds in three-dimensional structures and methods of interconversion.
    • Chapter previews to aid students’ revision prior to examinations.

    理工 > 化學/化學工程 > 有機化學

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