
Evergreen: A Guide to Writing with Readings 8/e

作者:Susan Fawcett
原價:NT$ 900

出版商:Cengage Learning

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    Evergreen takes another leap forward in the paragraph-to-essay-level Developmental Writing market. In this Eighth Edition, the author endeavors to take an exceptional book and make it even more motivating, helpful, and engaging. Susan Fawcett has thoroughly reviewed and updated the text, guided by the thoughtful suggestions of faculty across the country, and by the academic and workplace challenges students face in the twenty-first century. With its new features and powerful WriteSpace online writing program, the Eighth Edition ensures that Evergreen continues to meet the needs of students and instructors in any classroom environment. Step-by-step instruction, a range of carefully paced practice exercises, engaging student and professional writing samples, and attention to critical thinking are the keys to this text's appeal.

    ELT > Children`s ELT > Writing
    ELT > ELT > Writing

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