
All New Very Easy True Stories: A Picure-Based First Reader

作者:Sandra Heyer
原價:NT$ 320

出版商:Pearson Education

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    Would you believe … ?

    • A woman gets a phone call, but it is the wrong number. How does this call save her life?
    • A man parks near a “No Parking” sign and gets a ticket. Every day he goes back to the “No Parking” sign and parks there, and every day he gets a ticket. Why does he keep going back?
    • A woman is driving on a highway at 100 mph, and she cannot slow down. What does she do?

    These stories and more -- humorous, poignant, astounding -- and all true!

    More very low-level yet high-interest stories! These stories, selected from mainstream news sources, are humorous, poignant, astounding -- and all true! They are told as simply as possible -- exclusively in the present tense -- and all stories are less than ½ page long.

    All New Very Easy True Stories, by Sandra Heyer, is an ideal first text for students with little experience with English. It is a companion book to Very Easy True Stories, which is at the same level but features different stories and exercises. These two parallel readers give students the option of lingering at the low-beginning level. They can go back and forth between Very Easy True Stories and All New Very Easy True Stories, or they can complete first one book and then the other. Or teachers can use Very Easy True Stories one semester andAll New Very Easy True Stories the next. That way, students who stay in a low-beginning class when their classmates move on to the next level can essentially repeat the class but with all new material. Combined, the two books offer 28 stories, giving teachers multiple opportunities to incorporate reading into their thematically-based instructional units.

    ELT > ELT > Reading

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