
Even More True Stories 3/e: An Intermediate Reader (Level 5)

作者:Sandra Heyer
原價:NT$ 300

出版商:Pearson Education

內容介紹 本書特色 目錄

    Would you believe ... ?

    • A pilot gets sucked out of his plane and survives, as does everyone else on board.
    • A young American woman goes to Paris to find herself and finds her long-lost family instead.
    • A misunderstood word on a bus causes a 15-mile-long traffic jam.

    Even More True Stories, Third Edition, by Sandra Heyer, continues the True Stories tradition with sixteen new or updated human-interest stories adapted from news sources around the world. The universal appeal of these real believe-it-or-not tales ensures a motivating reading experience for intermediate-level students of English. It's a book they won't want to put down.

    ELT > ELT > Reading

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