
The Papers of Lee Kuan Yew: Speeches, Interviews and Dialogues (1990-2011)-10 Vols/Set (不可退書)

作者:National Archives of Singapore
原價:NT$ 98,000

出版商:Cengage Learning

內容介紹 本書特色 作者介紹

    Published by Gale Asia, an imprint of Cengage Learning Asia
    Compiled by the National Archives of Singapore

    In 2011, Gale Asia published, to wide critical acclaim, the first ten volumes of The Papersof Lee Kuan Yew: Speeches, Interviews and Dialogues , a compilation of four decades(1950–1990) of speeches, interviews and press conference presentations deliveredby the founding father of modern Singapore during her formative years to her rise toprominence as an Asian Tiger.

    Now we are proud to present its continuation, The Papers of Lee Kuan Yew: Speeches,Interviews and Dialogues (1990–2011) . These new volumes cover Lee Kuan Yew’stenures as senior minister and minister mentor, starting with Lee’s interview with NipponHoso Kyokai (NHK) on 18 December 1990 and ending with his speech at NTUC’s 50thanniversary dinner on 13 May 2011, chronicling Lee’s political statements and thoughtsas the nation went through significant changes and crises, such as the Asian financialcrisis of 1997, the SARS outbreak of 2003, and the intense fight against terrorism. Leestepped down as minister mentor on 21 May 2011.

    Also included in the new ten-volume set is a cumulative index volume that has beencompiled to gather all the index entries included in volumes 1 to 19 that span a period ofsix decades (1950–2011). This will help readers and scholars to easily and quickly locateterms and topics they are interested in across the volumes.

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