
張學良口述歷史 Oral History of Zhang Xueliang 簡體精裝本 (全套7冊不分售/不可退書)

作者:Gale Asia, Cengage Learning
原價:NT$ 21,000


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      本書共分七卷,前六卷為訪談實錄 ,最後一卷為索引注釋卷。聖智學習出版集團與當代中國出版社在長達數年的編輯過程 中聘請了眾多專家學者,對全文進行了深入細緻的查證與注釋。《口述史》不僅講述張學良的個人生活,更包含許多他對自己所經歷的人和事的評論。

    The Oral History of Zhang Xueliang is part of Columbia University’s Chinese oral history project. It is based on the transcripts of a series of 60 interviews with Zhang and his wife (Edith Chao 趙一荻) conducted by two Columbian scholars during 1991-1993. The transcripts and 145 audio cassettes of these interviews are now housed at the Peter H. L. and Edith C. Chang Reading Room in the Columbia University Library.

    The current edition consists of seven volumes, including six volumes of transcripts carefully checked, edited, and annotated by Chinese scholars and one index and annotation volume. The Oral History not only recounts Zhang’s personal life but also contains his comments on many historical events he personally experienced and influential figures he met.

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