
Easy Listening (Elementary) with MP3 CD/1片

作者:Treva Adams, Barbara H. Foley
原價:NT$ 550

出版商:Cengage Learning

內容介紹 本書特色 目錄

    Easy Listening TW Series 

    Easy Listening Elementary is a listening, pronunciation, and speaking text for beginning and high-beginning students of ESL. It develops listening skills using high-interest narratives and informal conversations through an easy-to-use, thematic approach. The text is a colorful, graphics-filled learning experience involving situations that students can easily relate to their own lives. Students will be engaged from the moment their eyes hit the page, and the graphics will help reinforce their learning through visually exciting interactive activities. Both the text and the accompanying audio program may be used with college-level students, adult programs, and high school classes. The materials are also highly effective in a language laboratory setting.

    Easy Listening Elementary is a complete and fully integrated program for students and teachers alike. Complementing the student text is an audio program containing all of the listening passages and follow-up activities. This program is an invaluable tool for any learner who wants to become a skilled and confident English listener and speaker in today's fast-paced world.

    ELT > ELT > Listening/Speaking/Pronunciation

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