
Fifty-Fifty (2) 3/e Student Book

作者:Warren Wilson, Roger Barnard
原價:NT$ 420

出版商:Pearson Education
參考網頁:Fifty-Fifty 3/e

內容介紹 本書特色

    Fifty-Fifty Third Edition is a three-level course in communicative English that provides speaking and listening practice for students from the elementary level through the intermediate level. Designed primarily for use in large classes where “student talking” time is usually very limited, this material can be used effectively in virtually any size class since students actively participate in meaningful exchanges during pair work and group work. 

    Fifty-Fifty provides realistic yet manageable listening tasks, and extended pair work and group work tasks, all of which are designed to reduce learner anxiety and promote language acquisition via student participation in purposeful interaction. The course consists of three levels: 

    • Fifty-Fifty Intro is suitable for students at the elementary level who may have some passive knowledge of grammar and vocabulary from previous study, but lack the skills and confidence to participate in conversation.
    • Fifty-Fifty Book One is a follow-up course to
      Fifty-Fifty Intro and is suitable for students at the high-elementary/low-intermediate level.
    • Fifty-Fifty Book Two is a follow-up course to Fifty-Fifty Book One and is suitable for students at the intermediate level.

    Student Book 
    The Student Book offers students fun, practical listening and speaking tasks presented in an attractive, modern design which together create interest in the content and motivate students to learn. 

    Specific features of the Student Book
    • NEW Self-study exercises provide students with
      extra listening practice
    • Humorous content motivates students and creates
      a relaxed classroom atmosphere
    • Listening tasks give students enjoyable task-based listening practice
    • Pair work and group work activities maximize student participation through extended communication practice

    ELT > ELT > Listening/Speaking/Pronunciation

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