
Power On 3: Lifeskills English with DVD/1片

作者:Staci Johnson, Rob Jenkins, Stefan Kostarelis
原價:NT$ 600

出版商:Cengage Learning

內容介紹 本書特色

    Power On: Lifeskills English series is an exciting new video-based course that uses engaging content to encourage students' critical thinking about real life topics. Each book contains twelve units and four review units.

    Each unit contains the following components:
    • WARM-UP – These exercises prepare students for the topic of the unit. Key words and situations are introduced to help students start thinking abour the topic.
    • VOCABULARY BUILDERS – Vocabulary words are carefully selected from the video and listening exercises and then presented using various activities.
    • SHOW TIME – Students complete a range of comprehension activities directly related to each video and its topic.
    • GRAMMAR – In each unit an appropriate CEF-Level grammar point is taught.
    • CHAT TIME – A real-world conversation with added vocabulary related to the topic is presented.
    • READING – A short text introduces students to a thought-provoking topic based on each unit.
    • VIEW POINT and DISCUSSION – Short interviews with real people are used as a basis for comprehension questions and interesting discussion topics.

    Student Book, Audio CD, Teacher’s Manual, Test Bank, Presentation Tool

    ELT > ELT > Listening/Speaking/Pronunciation

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