
First Class Service (2): English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs/2片

作者:Stephen Hall, Troy Blappert, Christopher J. O'Brien (Adapter)
原價:NT$ 430

出版商:Cengage Learning

內容介紹 本書特色

    This two-level series helps equip working members of the tourism and hospitality industry, or students preparing to enter this field, with both the general and specific language skills they need to use English successfully in the workplace.

    Functional language is introduced and practiced in a variety of contexts from within the industry. Through this approach, students learn how to apply the language skills they need to their own situations, whether it be working in a hotel, resort, airline, restaurant, travel agency, or information center, or as a tour guide.

    The material uses a task-based approach, and focuses on the development of communication skills through a broad range of listening, speaking, and discussion activities, along with realia-based reading and writing tasks where appropriate.

    ELT > ELT > ESP

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