
On the Road (2) Tourism English for Travelers with MP3 CD/1片

作者:Andrew Crosthwaite
原價:NT$ 550

出版商:Cengage Learning


    The On the Road series features fifteen units and five review units.

    Key Features
    • Modern references and themes presented in a context that is both relevant and informative.
    • Related listening and reading exercises specially designed to emphasize key points.
    • A central grammatical focus for each unit.
    • Useful vocabulary that can be applied in daily life.
    • Fun and engaging examples of contemporary English as it relates to the experience of life on the road.
    Each unit contains the following components:
    • WARM- UP EXERCISES These exercises familiarize readers with the context of the unit. A few key terms are introduced, and readers are made to feel comfortable with the subject matter to come.
    • LISTENING EXERCISES More key terms are introduced in two conversations in each unit. These conversations are followed by sentence and conversation completion exercises to stress retention of the target vocabulary, as well as additional exercises.
    • READING TEXT This text introduces readers to more vital information related to the topic of each unit, with special emphasis on strengthening their reading comprehension skills. Following each text are true or false questions and reading comprehension questions.
    • GRAMMAR In each unit, a different grammatical concept is introduced.
    • WRITING EXERCISE After each grammatical concept is introduced via explanation and examples, readers can engage in a writing exercise designed to apply this newly learned material.
    • SPEAKING EXERCISE Wrapping up each unit is a speaking exercise. Readers can pair up and ask each other guided questions as a warm-up. Then, readers will implement what they have learned throughout the unit by planning out and then delivering a longer speech to their partner.

    Student Book, Audio CD, Teacher's Manual, Test Bank, Presentation Tool

    ELT > ELT > ESP

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