
Market Leader 3/e (Pre-Intermediate) Active Teach CD/1片

作者:David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent
原價:NT$ 800

出版商:Pearson Education
參考網頁:Market Leader 3/e


    Market Leader Pre-intermediate 3rd edition reflects the fast changing world of business with 100% updated material from authentic business sources such as the Financial Times. Covering topics such as organisation, human, resources and ethics, each unit has a new case study with opinions from successful consultants who work in the real world of business.

    The DVD-ROM accompanying the Course Book contains:
    • 100% new listening texts which are available to view 
    • Video Case Study solutions from the real world of business
    • iGlossary.

    The Course Book gives students access to the NEW Market Leader Vocabulary Trainer:

    The exciting new resource enables your students to take control of their own vocabulary learning.

    Other components include:
    • Practice File and Pack
    • Teacher's Resource Book
    • Test File

    Active Teach
    Market Leader Active Teach provides software for interactive whiteboards or computer with projector. It is also ideal for use on a laptop and in on-to-one classes. It provides the Course Book in digital format and includes:
    • Course Book pages with zoom feature
    • Video interviews and case study commentaries
    • Class audio with time coded audio script
    • Interactive Activities
    • Phonetic chart
    • Teacher's notes and printable worksheets
    • Help' video to demonstrate functionality
    • i-Glossary, Grammar Reference and Writing Files

    ELT > ELT > Business English

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