
PM Writing 4 Emerald 26 Forest Trees

作者:Sally Cowan
原價:NT$ 140

出版商:Cengage Learning

內容介紹 作者介紹

    Forest Trees

    Key learning Area Science
    Theme Trees and the natural environment

    Title Discovery of a Giant Tree 
    Text Type Description
    Pages 2–9
    Text Form Article in a scientific magazine
    Genre Non-fiction
    Purpose To describe the characteristics of people, places and things

    Text Structure 
    Introduction: Informs the reader about the subject being described (Page 2)
    Characteristics: Describes details about the subject (Pages 3–8)
    Evaluation: Provides a personal comment about the subject (Page 8)

    Language Features
    • Nouns (e.g. Tasmania, Centurion, trunk)
    • Pronouns (e.g. it, they)
    • Adjectives (e.g. ancient, evergreen)
    • Present tense relating verbs (e.g. is, has)
    • Adverbs (e.g. recently, even)
    • Adverbial phrases (e.g. at some time)
    Title How Trees Grow in a Forest
    Text Type Explanation
    Pages 10–16
    Text Form Chapter in a book 
    Genre Non-fiction
    Purpose To explain how or why something occurs

    Text Structure 
    Identifying Statement: Tells what is to be explained (Page 10–11)
    Explanation Sequence: Explains a series of events or cause and effect (Pages 11–15)
    Summary Statement: Draws all the information together (Page 16)

    Language Features
    • Nouns (e.g. shoot, roots, leaves, nutrients)
    • Pronouns (e.g. it, they)
    • Adjectives (e.g. stronger, different)
    • Present tense relating verbs (e.g. falls, lands, split)
    • Adverbs (e.g. gently, near)
    • Adverbial phrases (e.g. towards the light)
    • Time and sequence words (e.g. First, When, Next)

    ELT > Children`s ELT > Writing

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