
Simulation 5/e

作者:Sheldon M. Ross
原價:NT$ 1,250

出版商:Elsevier B.V.

內容介紹 本書特色 目錄

    The fifth edition of Sheldon Ross’ best-selling Simulation provides a practical introduction to utilizing computerized simulation to analyze stochastic models. These simulations are applied to problems in a wide variety of fields, including the physical and social sciences, engineering, and mathematics, to obtain effective, accurate solutions.

    Simulation Fifth Edition includes the new Chapter 6, dealing with copulas, useful for modeling the joint distribution of random variables, as well as with the multivariate normal distribution. Another new chapter is Chapter 10, which introduces additional variance reduction methods. Whereas such standard variance reduction techniques as the use of antithetic variables, control variables, conditional expectation estimators, importance sampling, and stratified sampling are studied in Chapter 9, the new chapter introduces the conditional Bernoulli sampling method, normalized importance sampling, and Latin Hypercube sampling.

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