
Scholastic Hello Reader (4) Cats That Roar!

作者:Kimberly Weinberger
原價:NT$ 150


內容介紹 作者介紹

    Describes how such large members of the cat family as lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs, and cougars live and hunt in the wild and their endangered status. When most people think of cats, they imagine house cats. But this easy-to-read title focuses on the amzing lives of big cats, from lions, togers, and leopards, to jaguars, cheetahs, and cougers. All are endangered species, and all are extraordinary. Young readers will learn accessible facts about how these mysterious cats live and hunt in the wild. A stunningly illustrated Level 4 Hello Reader! Science title that introduces young readers to the fascinating world of big cats!

    Hello, Parent!
    Hello Reader! books have bee designed:
    • for parents to read to children
    • for children to read to parents
    • for children to read themselves
    to make your child a better reader.

    How to Choose a Hello Reader!
    Level 1: Preschool- Grade 1 (Ages 5-7)
    Level 2: Kindergarten-Grade 2 (Ages5-7
    Level 3: 
    Grade 1 & 2 (Ages 6-8)
    Level 4: Grade 2 & 3 (Ages 7-9)

    ELT > Children`s ELT > Readers

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