
Gateway (5) Teacher's Book

作者:Jeanette Greenwell, Stephen Lawrence
原價:NT$ 400

出版商:Garnet Education

內容介紹 本書特色

    A six-level primary course designed for 5/6–11/12-year-olds

    Gateway offers a perfect balance of the four language skills and enables students to think, reflect and react in the target language because it is based on the following premises:
    1. Most of the students start formal education at age six. Therefore, the creativity and innovation skills children have at this age have been taken as a point from where to start building knowledge.
    2. Thinking and physical skills are basic issues to consider in teaching a foreign language to children; therefore, all activities in the series include a true approach towards developing these skills in direct relationship to the real world that surrounds the learners.
    3. Because children grow within their own thinking and learning skills towards recognition, understanding and use of the new concepts, this series takes the students from a True Beginner Level to a Low Intermediate Level (A1), preparing them to sit the KET (ESOL – Key English Test). ThoughGateway offers a balance between the four language skills, there will be an emphasis on the writing skill as the series grows, enabling students to become much more self-assured and self-independent learners in the new language as they prepare themselves to continue learning English in upper school levels.

    ELT > Children`s ELT > Course Books > Primary

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