
Real Estate Finance: Theory and Practice 7/e

作者:Clauretie, Sirmans
原價:NT$ 1,200

出版商:Cengage Learning

內容介紹 作者介紹

    An updated edition of Clauretie/Sirmans, Real Estate Finance, 7e is now available! The goal of this market-leading text is to promote a greater understanding of how real estate financial markets work. The authors blend theory with practice applying the theoretical aspects of financial economics to explain how Real Estate financial institutions and markets have developed and evolved to their present state, and why they take the forms they do.

    Topic Updates Include: 

    • New chapter on Federal Regulation of Financial Institutions related to the Mortgage Market
    • New topics on Regulation Z and the Dodd-Frank Act
    • Updated historical data to reflect the recent past
    • Revised REIT requirements
    • Updated to include more recent data on sources of funds, especially CMBS

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