
Operations and Supply Chain Management 8/e

作者:Roberta S. Russell, Bernard W. Taylor
原價:NT$ 1,550

出版商:John Wiley
參考網頁:Operations and Supply Chain Management 8/e

內容介紹 目錄

    Russell and Taylor’s Operations Management, 8e is designed to teach students how to analyze processes, ensure quality, create value, and manage the flow of information and products, while creating value along the supply chain in a global environment.

    Russell and Taylor explain and clearly demonstrate the skills needed to be a successful operations manager. Most importantly, Operations Management, 8e makes the quantitative topics easy for students to understand and the mathematical applications less intimidating. With WileyPLUS, students can practice and complete homework in an automated online environment that facilitates learning and understanding, while quickly accessing the eBook and student resources.

    In the 8th Edition, the production process and global supply chain of denim is used to introduce OM topics, and helps students see how all of the pieces of operations management fit together. Appropriate for students preparing for careers across functional areas of the business environment, Operations Management, 8e provides foundational understanding of both qualitative and quantitative operations management processes. 

    Exclusive to This Version

    • Case Studies
    • Concise Coverage
    • New Problem Sets

    理工 > 工業工程 > 供應鏈管理
    商管 > 行銷 > 供應鏈管理

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