
Understanding Motor Development: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults 7/e

作者:David L. Gallahue, John C. Ozmun, Jacqueline D. Goodway
原價:NT$ 1,500


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    What’s New
    This new edition has been significantly revised and updated to include the latest research, reference information, and suggested readings in the field. Tables and figures have been updated throughout the text to reflect the latest research. Definitions and key terminology have been enhanced throughout for further clarity. Following is a sampling of topics in each unit that are either new to this edition or greatly expanded since the last edition:

    Unit I: Background
    • Expanded explanations and discussions of leading theoretical perspectives on the processes and products of motor development across the life span
    • Revised and clarified presentation of the Triangulated Hourglass Model of motor development, and how it serves as a metaphor for conceptualizing the processes and products of motor development
    • Expanded discussion on risk factors affecting motor development
    • New International Perspectives on the processes and products of motor development
    • New Developmental Dilemmas to stimulate critical thinking and discussion
    Unit II: Infancy
    • Updated data presented on vital statistics with infants
    • Enhanced discussion on intervention strategies
    • Enhanced International Perspectives on motor development during infancy
    • New Developmental Dilemmas to stimulate critical thinking and discussion.
    • Inclusion of current information related to obesity in infancy
    • Enhanced International Perspectives on infancy
    Unit III: Childhood
    • Adjusted age-ranges to reflect developmental rather than chronological timeframes
    • Enhanced discussion of gender-related differences with fundamental skills
    • Extensive updating of fitness-related materials to reflect current knowledge
    • Increased focus on childhood obesity from the psychomotor and affective perspective
    • Enhanced International Perspectives on childhood motor development
    • New Developmental Dilemmas to stimulate critical thinking and discussion.
    Unit IV: Adolescence
    • Adjusted age-ranges to reflect developmental rather than chronological timeframes
    • Extensive discussion of overweight and obesity issues during the pre-adolescence and adolescence periods
    • Enhanced discussion related to the foundation of specialized movement skills
    • Enhanced discussion related to the foundation of youth sport participation
    • Extensive updating of fitness-related materials to reflect current knowledge
    • Increased focus on childhood obesity from the psychomotor and affective perspective
    • Enhanced International Perspectives on motor development during adolescence
    • New Developmental Dilemmas of adolescence to stimulate critical thinking and discussion
    Unit V: Adulthood
    • Expanded and updated information on aging and muscular strength characteristics
    • Inclusion of current information related to overweight and obesity with aging
    • Expanded discussion on the influence of physical activity and mental health
    • Enhanced International Perspectives on adult motor development
    • New Developmental Dilemmas of adulthood to stimulate critical thinking and discussion

    理工 > 復健與運動科學

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