
Direct to IELTS Student's Book with Key and Website Access Code

作者:Sam McCarter
原價:NT$ 750

出版商:Macmillan Publishers
參考網頁:Direct to IELTS


    Direct to IELTS

    Direct to IELTS combines both print and online materials to provide a concise and practical course to prepare students efficiently for all tasks in the IELTS exam. Written by experienced IELTS authors, the Student's Book and website form a fully integrated course that will build confidence in all students preparing for the IELTS exam.

    Key features of the Student's Book
    • Eight topic-based units reflect typical subject areas in the IELTS exam
    • Writing Bank provides a methodical approach for the major task-types found in the writing exam, as well as annotated model answers
    • Grammar and vocabulary practice, along with thorough preparation for all skills, gives students confidence to tackle all IELTS exam tasks

    Key features of the Website
    • Four computer-based practice tests, written by an experienced exam writer, which can be taken in both practice and exam-based mode
    • Comprehensive Grammar Reference to accompany all language points covered in the Student's Book
    • Downloadable worksheets to complement each unit in the Student's Book, providing further Vocabulary and Grammar practice.

    Course components
    • Student's Book with key and Website Access Code
    • Student's Book without key and Website Access Code
    • Teacher's Book
    • Class Audio CD


    ELT > ELT > Tests
    ELT > Children`s ELT > Tests > Tests

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