
Beyond the Sentence: Introducing Discourse Analysis

作者:Scott Thornbury
原價:NT$ 775

出版商:Macmillan Publishers

內容介紹 作者介紹

    Beyond the Sentence describes the features and functions of different types of texts and shows how to incorporate them into language teaching. It examines what makes spoken and written text coherent and shows how an understanding of this can help students deal with the language needs of work, study and exams. It also provides

    • practical activities that can be used in the classroom to help students work with texts.
    • Provides a straightforward introduction to discourse and text analysis.
    • Suggests ways to evaluate and use learners' texts in more constructive ways.
    • Contains a wide range of practical ideas and photocopiable tasks that are ready to use in the classroom.

    ELT > ELT > Teaching Resources

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