
PM Writing (1) Teachers' Resource Book with CD/1片 and DVD/1片

作者:Elsie Nelley、Debbie Croft、Annette Smith、Patricia Ciuffettelli
原價:NT$ 4,000

出版商:Cengage Learning


    PM Writing has been specifically developed as a holistic reading and writing program. The PM Writing Teachers’ Resource Books have been designed to explicitly teach writing skills and knowledge across a range of student abilities.

    The specific learning tasks included in the program make it appropriate for use in whole-class, small-group and individual teaching and learning environments.

    The PM Writing 1 Teachers' Resource Book contains:

    • comprehensive lesson plans based on the Exemplars for Teaching Writing, Levelled Exemplar Texts and Student  Book/Student Resource CD and Interactive Writing Pro Formas CD
    • a focus on listening, speaking, viewing and presenting
    • writing assessment guidelines
    • an analysis of writing samples across the six key stages of writing development-Emergent, Early, Developing, Consolidating, Extending and Advanced
    • scope and sequence of learning outcomes across the key developmental stages
    • PM Writing Interactive Writing Pro Formas (on CD-ROM), featuring scaffolded pro formas for each of the key text types, ideal for wole-class and small-group use on interactive whiteboards and data projectors
    • PM Writing Teaching in Practice (on DVD), featuring indexed professional development videos that demonstrate teaching strategies for whole-class modelled and small-group guided writing sessions.

    STUDENTS: Colour Level: Blue, Green, Red and Yellow
    PRODUCT:Discipline: ICT and Literacy | Series: PM | Set: PM Writing | Subject: Literacy and Writing | Teaching Approach: Guided/Independent

    ELT > Children`s ELT > Writing

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