
Pearson English Readers Level 5 (Upper-Intermediate): The Five People you Meet in Heaven

作者:Mitch Albom
原價:NT$ 200

出版商:Pearson Education
參考網頁:Pearson English Graded Readers


    THE FIVE PEOPLE YOU MEET IN HEAVEN addresses the meaning of life, and life after death, in the poignant way that made TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE.

    An elderly amusement park maintenance worker named Eddie who, while operating a ride called the 'Free Fall', dies while trying to save a young girl who gets in the way of a falling cart that hurtles to earth. Eddie goes to heaven, where he meets five people who were unexpectedly instrumental in some way in his life. While each guide takes him through heaven, Eddie learns a little bit more about what his time on earth meant, what he was supposed to have learned, and what his true purpose on earth was. Throughout there are dramatic flashbacks where we see scenes from his troubled childhood, and with his first and only love, his wife Marguerite.

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