
The Effective Public Manager: Achieving Success in Government Organizations 5/e

作者:Steven Cohen, William Eimicke, Tanya Heikkila
原價:NT$ 1,700

出版商:John Wiley
參考網頁:The Effective Public Manager 5/e

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    The Effective Public Manager

    Thoroughly revised and updated, the fifth edition of The Effective Public Manager offers public administrators and students a classic resource and a highly-accessible guide to the fundamentals of leading and managing public organizations. In this new edition the authors cover the key areas of the field and present in-depth analysis through the strategic use of fresh case studies and real-world examples. The book is designed to give real-world managers and aspiring managers the information and tools needed to meet the demands of their jobs directly rather than working around the constraints of government. The Effective Public Manager offers a proven approach to implementing efficient management tools in a dynamic political, organizational, economic, and technological context.

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