
New TOEIC Skills 1

作者:Alastair Graham-Marr, Jeff Anderson, Rus Howser, Azusa Sato
原價:NT$ 600

出版商:ABAX ELT Publishers
參考網頁:New TOEIC Skills 1


    TOEIC Skills® 1 is the first book in a three level series designed to prepare students for success on the TOEIC®  test.

    Each unit has activities which Focus on the Test and activities which Focus on Language.

    Focus on the Test activities give students practice answering all the different question types used on the TOEIC®  test. In addition, all Focus on the Test activities are done under time pressure to help students get used to the time constraints of the test.

    Focus on Language activities help student develop the skills needed for success on the TOEIC®  test. In addition, research shows that output is an essential part of language development, so each unit has activities that require students to output language, taking a more active approach to developing TOEIC®  skills.

    Listening: Students will learn to comprehend naturally spoken English, its weak forms and reductions. Each unit has a section of analytical listenings to help students understand the natural stress and thythm of English-how vowels become weak, how sounds disappear, how sounds link together and so on.

    Vocabulary; Students will learn useful words associated with different topic areas that are associated with the test: office routines, company organization, travel, finance, property management, manufacturing, sales, entertainment and son on.

    Grammar: An implicit approach to grammar has been taken. Activities in each unit act as springboards which allow students and teachers to further explore elements of grammar.
    Output: Each unit has four output activities which help develop an understanding of the test and the language needed to do well on the test.

    Time Pressure: Activities are timed to give students practice answering questions under pressure.

    TOEIC® Skills Level 1: 300-450
    TOEIC® Skills Level 2: 450-600
    TOEIC® Skills Level 3: 600-750

    ELT > ELT > Tests

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