
Digital Arithmetic

作者:Milos D. Ercegovac, Tomás Lang
原價:NT$ 1,450

出版商:Elsevier B.V.

內容介紹 目錄

    Digital arithmetic plays an important role in the design of general-purpose digital processors and of embedded systems for signal processing, graphics, and communications. In spite of a mature body of knowledge in digital arithmetic, each new generation of processors or digital systems creates new arithmetic design problems. Designers, researchers, and graduate students will find solid solutions to these problems in this comprehensive, state-of-the-art exposition of digital arithmetic. Ercegovac and Lang, two of the field's leading experts, deliver a unified treatment of digital arithmetic, tying underlying theory to design practice in a technology-independent manner. They consistently use an algorithmic approach in defining arithmetic operations, illustrate concepts with examples of designs at the logic level, and discuss cost/performance characteristics throughout. Students and practicing designers alike will find Digital Arithmetic a definitive reference and a consistent teaching tool for developing a deep understanding of the "arithmetic style" of algorithms and designs.

    資訊 > 演算法

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