
愛臺灣 Love Taiwan 2: Enjoy a Stay in Formosa

作者:Paul Tseng (曾貴祺)
原價:NT$ 200


內容介紹 作者介紹

    Love Taiwan—Enjoy a Stay in Formosa is a two-volume college textbook for international students of English as a second or foreign language to learn Taiwanese culture, tradition and lifestyle. The series adopts authentic readings and develops a variety of tasks which enhance four skills of English and facilitate real communication opportunities in academic and real-life environments.
    The two-volume series consists of 16 units focusing on Taiwanese tradition, culture, tourism and lifestyle. This textbook is designed for international students who wish to acquire basic knowledge and expression in their academic learning in Taiwan.

    Each unit contains four major components, that is, reading of authentic articles, conversation, vocabulary acquisition, exercise plus group discussions and writing practices. These units can help the international students acquire a better understanding of the language of tourism and hospitality, gain confidence in expressing themselves in English, and become more independent during their stay in Taiwan.
    As Du Fu, a well-known poet in the Tang dynasty said in Receiving a Guest,

     To the south and north of my cottage there are spring waters.
     The groups of gulls only are my daily visitors.
     The floral path hasn’t been swept as no one happens.
     To come, but now for you the wicket door opens.

    The door of Taiwan opens for all international students who love to learn Taiwanese culture, and the universities here welcome their visit. Also as the Scripture says, as Good Samaritans we love our neighbors, since love conquers all, and love is everlasting.   

    Last but not least, I want to thank Director Wu Li-ming at Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology, Paul K. H. Tan, Chairman of Tung Hua Book Company, GM Liu Can Shui, and David Roberts, co-editor at St. Paul Workshop of Editing and Translation, and Prof. Zhou Zhao-ming for their invaluable assistance of making the publication of this book a reality.

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