
Writing Success 1

作者:Jennifer Shiue
原價:NT$ 470

出版商:Tung Hua Book Co., Ltd.

內容介紹 作者介紹

    【內容試閱 請點我】
      Writing Success共9個單元,帶領讀者進入9種商業情境,窺探9種不同產業的生態。


    Writing Success能幫助你:
    • 系統化地學習寫作:每封email都傳授1個目標、2個態度、3個句型,以訂定目標、建立心態、活用句型的步驟,循序漸進地帶領你寫出合適且專業的email。
    • 培養商業敏銳度:本書收錄任何人都能輕鬆理解的基礎商業知識,篇幅適中且概念淺顯易懂,不僅增強你的英語能力,商業敏銳度也能隨之提升,讓你在職場的溝通有效又到位。
    • 獲得專家的職場建議:本書收錄多位業界及學術界的專家建議,來自全球知名管顧公司PwC及DDI,與英國商學學術界大師現身說法,為你的職涯帶來全新啟發。
    • 提升寫作力:每個單元都設計了豐富多元的練習題,數量充足,內容多樣,並以Case Study案例分析作為結尾,讓你有機會實際演練,精進所學。
    • Each of the 9 units (each unit has 12 pages) features a topic that deals with a business scenario. For example, job-hunting, communications and sales.
    • In each unit, a topic relevant Story is presented in the conversation format. Students can familiarize themselves with the topic while listening to the MP3. The fill-in-the-blank exercise also enhances students’ writing ability.
    • Useful Expression highlights and introduces some of the most used expressions and phrases relating to the unit topic.
    • Bite-Size Business Knowledge exposes students to real business world with actual factoids in the current trends. These short texts explain some of the most seen terms in the business.
    • After reading, listening and speaking, a Case Study wraps up the unit by giving students a writing project. This is where students can put what they have learned into practice for a writing task.
    • In Reviews, the Words from the Professional interviews high ranking corporate leaders so students can learn precious information from them.

    ELT > ELT > Business English

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