
A Step-By-Step Introduction to Statistics for Business 2/e

作者:Richard N. Landers
原價:NT$ 1,260

出版商:SAGE Publications
參考網頁:A Step-By-Step Introduction to Statistics for Business 2/e

內容介紹 目錄 作者介紹

    A clear and concise introduction to statistics for business and management students, demonstrating how important statistics are in the business decision-making process and covering everything from conducting a survey and collecting data, to summarizing statistical data, and presenting findings.

    Each chapter features a real-world business situation and accompanying dataset, the reader is then encouraged to identify the correct statistical concept in the chapter and solve the problem outlined. Offering students a chance to use the newly learned theory in a practical way.

    New to the second edition:

    • A “Review of Essential Mathematics” prologue, featuring tests and further links to help students refresh their knowledge of the core mathematical concepts used to calculate basic statistics.
    • Updated screenshots on using IBM SPSS and Excel.
    • A “Statistics in the Real World” feature included at the end of each chapter, demonstrating how statistics are applied in real-world business settings and research, accompanied by reflective questions.
    • Updated case studies, examples and diagrams, illustrating key points and helping to reinforce learning.

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